Hello All! This is my first post on my very exciting new website!
However, not all great things come out of stellar creativity and this website is one of them. This website was born out of the two deadliest enemies of a writer: Procrastination and Writer’s Block.
Putting off writing, and shirking other duties led me down the path of figuring out how to set up a website on a host I do not have at my disposal. Sure I’ve set up mock-ups of this site in my own free time on my own server. But nothing will be as glorious as this!
Writer’s Block is my current foe. As we speak, he is taking a decisively amazing idea and grinding it to a halt when I should push through. Threatening to sap my writer instinct and insight and momentum. Still, I endeavor to sneak past him to finish this rough draft to a story.
Still, despite being attacked by my most vicious foes, I have come to realize, not all bad creates destruction and devastation. Sometimes, just sometimes, it creates something wonderful. Like a blade of grass among ash. There is always hope and rebirth.
Faithfully your friend,
Kevin J. Lucey