Greetings and Salutations friends and followers! My name is Kevin, and this is my website. Sorry for the skimpy looks of it. I just moved it over to WordPress, and am trying to learn how to modify it to my liking. Eventually I will have two main areas where I’ll keep story snippets, and a Wikipedia-esque companion to the stories you see elsewhere. On the main site here, I plan on keeping a blog, that will keep you apprised of my non-content whereabouts and interesting tidbits on life, the world, my public appearances and signings.
To your left you see two links (taken down while I work on those areas), one called Krammas Chronicles and Tomes of the Illuminati. Krammas Chronicles is dedicated to my science fiction universe. In it you will find stories taking place in the far future, as well as species, planets, etc. you might find in my works both on that site and published elsewhere. The Tomes of the Illuminati feature stories in the same universe as my Tales of Henry Kramer, as well as mystical beings of magic, and other information found in my published (and to be published) work.
Faithfully your friend,